You can communicate God’s love to a child in one of the furthest corners of the globe. Samaritan’s Purse sends gift-filled Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes to boys and girls in city slums, dense jungles, and other hard-to-reach places that may have never heard the Name of Jesus. When you pack a shoebox or volunteer, you are a part of showing these children, their families, and their communities, the transforming power of the Gospel!

Learn more about how shoeboxes bring the Gospel to the ends of the earth.

Little girl holding Operation Christmas Child shoebox.

Get Involved


Student Leaders

Inspiring Stories


  • Reaching the Unreached with the Gospel

    Samaritan's Purse is sending the Gospel to the ends of the earth—reaching the unreached—through Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts.

  • Students Help Fulfill the Great Commission

    Students can help fulfill the Great Commission and reach children, families, and communities around the world with the Gospel by packing Operation Christmas Child gift-filled shoeboxes.


  • Five Reasons to Volunteer

    Discover some of the reasons why students choose to volunteer with Operation Christmas Child.

  • It's About Sharing God's Love with Children

    A Southwest school district focuses on the true point of packing shoeboxes and sees their involvement blossom. Learn lessons on how groups can come together around this project.

What Others Are Saying

  • "For students who do not know the Lord yet, packing shoebox gifts can bring them face-to-face with the Gospel of Jesus Christ."

    Kimberly H. high school faculty member
  • "It's the hope in the box. It lights students on fire for Christ and packing a shoebox is something tangible they can do."

    Olivia R. college senior
  • "When I'm packing a shoebox, I remember that the message of Christ is inside, so I'm trying to make it special."

    Rylie R. eighth grader
  • "Operation Christmas Child allows us to expose our students to the impact they can have around the world by being the hands and feet of Christ. I don't see shoeboxes, I see faces."

    Mike H. former university staff member

Student Ministry Partners

Operation Christmas Child is pleased to partner with the following national student organizations:

  • Athlete's in Action
  • Campus Crusade for Christ
  • Fellowship of Christian Athletes
  • Teen Pact
  • Youth Commission International
  • Youth For Christ
  • Young Life
  • Youth Pastor Summit
  • The LIFT Tour
  • Youth Pastor Summit
  • Youth Pastor Summit
  • First Priority of America
  • Delight Ministries