Ways To Give

  • Operation Christmas Child

    Good News. Great Joy.

    Adopt a Shoebox: $10

    Adopt a Carton (15 Shoeboxes): $150

    Adopt an Outreach Event (100 Shoeboxes): $1,000

    Your donations are critical for Operation Christmas Child shoebox collecting, processing, and shipping, as well as ministry partner training and Gospel materials.

  • Follow Your Box

    Donate $10 per Shoebox

    Make a combined donation for any number of shoebox gifts and you'll be able to discover their destinations. Simply adhere the Follow Your Box label you receive in your confirmation email to each of your gifts. Learn Why $10 makes a difference in the life of a child. If you would like to activate an adhesive Follow Your Box label, please visit our Activation page.

  • The Greatest Journey

    Discipleship Program

    Give a shoebox recipient the opportunity to attend The Greatest Journey, our 12-lesson discipleship program.

    One Child: $6

    A Classroom of 21 Children: $126

  • Build a Shoebox Online

    Let us pack a box for you based on gift selections you make. Shoebox gifts built online go to the ends of the earth to children in some of the hardest-to-reach places—whether deep jungles, city slums, steep mountainsides, or one of 1,000 remote Pacific islands.

    Every $25 provides a child with a shoebox gift and the opportunity to hear the Gospel.

  • Gospel Booklets

  • 'Jesus Loves Me' Lambs

    Musical Toy

    For just $10, you can give three children a comforting reminder of Jesus, the Lamb of God, and His love.

  • Become a Fundraiser

    Help raise support and awareness for Operation Christmas Child at packing parties, community events, and more!

    Learn More
  • Gifts-In-Kind

    Donated items from organizations and businesses make it possible for us to ensure that each shoebox gift is full of appropriate items that meet customs requirements.

    Learn More